
to The SHE Collective

Fun and effective fitness designed by busy women, for busy women

✔️ On demand workouts designed to fun and effective

✔️ Nutritional advice and recipes designed to take the stress out of food

✔️ Accountability and community

✔️A formula designed to help you get fit… and stay fit

Is this you?

  • You want to feel confident and energised but you struggle for the time and motivation to make it happen

  • You fail to make healthy habits last and find online workouts boring

  • You need accountability and support to help you stick at it

Fear not! I've got the solution for you!

Our services

  • This is where your journey starts! Our 30-Day Challenge is designed to give you the ultimate kickstart to your health through a combination of exercise, nutrition and mindset. Once you have completed the challenge, participants “graduate” on to Monthly Membership where you will achieve sustainable fitness …and big results.

  • Once members have completed the 30-Day Challenge, it’s time to graduate into Monthly Membership. This is the ultimate solution to sustainable fitness for busy women. Designed to work with you not against you, month on month we will build on those foundations already set in place to create amazing results for your body and mind

Hi! I'm Ro!

I’m a PT, Mindset Coach and Mum to 3 noisy boys!

Over the past few years I have had the pleasure of helping hundreds of women achieve sustainable changes to their health. What has become very clear is that if you are a busy woman, you need to train like a busy woman.

This is why I created The SHE Collective - an online fitness membership designed for women who struggle for the time or motivation to exercise. I have worked tirelessly to create challenges and monthly membership that full of fun and connection, whilst also helping you stay on track (which is something many of us have previously struggled to do!)

My approach is to build women up from the inside out and empower them with a combination of exercise, nutrition and mindset work so that you can live your lives feeling Strong Happy and Empowered - SHE!

I can't wait to support you on your journey

Ro x

What Members are Saying...

“I regularly exercise now where I was barely doing anything before the she collective. I feel so much stronger and happier in myself and I now want to exercise rather than feeling like I have to.” – Becs Clark

“For the first time ever, exercise is now a regular part of my daily life, something that I don’t put on the back burner anymore. It’s my daily half hour to set myself up for a positive mindset for the day.” – Olivia Karis

“I love having the workouts as part of my routine. I fit them in at home to suit me, around work and my daughter. I exercise to make me feel good and the SHE Collective’s workouts are brilliant for this. I’ve also found beneficial the nutrition advice, and workshops. I think Ro is the best trainer I’ve had.” – Jo Fenner

“The membership isn't just about exercise. It includes diet, wellbeing and a community. Working on these areas has helped me to not give up, realise what's stopping me make regular exercise part of my life, make healthier eating choices and I've enjoyed celebrating the successes with a friendly community of women. The WhatsApp group has kept me on track. I'm happier, stronger mentally and physically and have more energy since joining.” – Harriet Boyle

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Top Tips for Tackling Time and Motivation